Chippewas of Georgina Island
Community Energy Plan Update
The Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation (GIFN) has hired Cambium Indigenous Professional Services (CIPS) to update their original Community Energy Plan (CEP) that was originally developed in 2015.
The updated Community Energy Plan outlined the updates and changes made to the original 2015 Chippewas of Georgina Island Community Energy Plan. To view the original project please click here.
The updates and changes made to the original Community Energy Plan include:
An update to the community baseline energy use analysis, and comparison to the results of the analysis completed as part of the 2015 CEP;
An update to the future energy needs analysis;
A review of the energy opportunities developed as part of the original CEP and the identification of any new energy opportunities that may be of importance;
An update to the proposed implementation plan; and
General updates and changes related to energy within GIFN and the province of Ontario.
This document (the CEP Update) does not replace the original 2015 GIFN CEP, but provides updates to specific sections of the original CEP.
The Goal
To build on the Chippewas of Georgina Island 2015 Community Energy Plan in an effort to move the community towards it's overall energy vision which is as follows:
The Chippewas of Georgina Island are among the leading Ontario First Nations communities in terms of energy conservation, comprehension, self-sufficiency, and support of other First Nations communities in these areas.
The Chippewas of Georgina Island established 4 main energy goals which are as follows:
Improve our knowledge and understanding of our energy use and associated costs;
Develop a complete understanding by the Community of Hydro One energy costs and billing;
Engage the Georgina Island community in pursuing energy cost reduction strategies, particularly for residents; and
Transition towards energy independence in a practical manner.
The Community Energy Plan update outlines the changes to the original 2015 Community Energy Plan that will help bring the communit closer to it's vision and goals. The updates to the original plan will include the following:
An update to the community baseline energy use analysis, and comparison to the results of the analysis completed as part of the 2015 CEP;
An update to the future energy needs analysis;
A review of the energy opportunities developed as part of the original CEP and the identification of any new energy opportunities that may be of importance;
An update to the proposed implementation plan; and
General updates and changes related to energy within GIFN and the province of Ontario.
Using the changes that have been made since the development of the original Community Energy Plan, Cambium Indigenous Professional Services has been able to forecast and update all major energy areas for the Chippewas of Georgina Island, including the following:
Residential community housing
Band owned facilities and assets
Commercial buildings
In addition, the update will also look at the types of energy being used including:
Heating oil
The Changes
Since the development of the 2015 CEP, there have been a number of significant changes in relation to energy in Ontario. These changes include:
The initiation of the Ontario Fair Hydro Plan and First Nations Delivery Credit
The introduction of the Ontario Fair Hydro Plan in 2017 provided residential customers across Ontario an average savings of about 25% on their electrical utility bill. In addition, the On Reserve First Nation Delivery Credit, implemented on July 1, 2017, has eliminated delivery charges for status First Nation members living on reserve.
These initiatives have greatly reduced the financial burden of electricity use in the residential sector of our community. However, the Ontario Fair Hydro Plan was only promised for four (4) years, and the future of electricity pricing is unknown. Furthermore, the results of the recent Ontario election provide further uncertainty in relation to these initiatives.
The cancellation of FIT, microFIT, and Large Renewable Procurement (LRP) subsidies and programs
Renewable generation subsidy programs, such as the FIT, microFIT, and LRP programs, are no longer available for renewable energy projects in Ontario. The lack of these programs will significantly affect the financial viability of renewable energy projects developed in the future.
The cancellation of the Ontario Cap and Trade Regulation
Effective July 3, 2018, Ontario cancelled the newly initiated Cap and Trade Regulation. The Cap and Trade Regulation, which began in January of 2018, was developed in an effort to reduce Green House Gas emissions in Ontario. Revenue generated through the program was to be put back into Ontario towards GHG emission reduction initiatives, primarily through the Green Ontario Fund. Due to the cancellation of the Regulation, the Green Ontario Fund and all related incentives and initiatives have also been cancelled. Please note that Ontario also developed a 5-year Climate Change Action Plan: 2016 – 2020, but its validity is uncertain at this time.
Development of Ontario’s 2017 Long Term Energy Plan
Ontario released an updated Long Term Energy Plan (LTEP) in 2017. Some important topics identified by Ontario in the 2017 LTEP include:
Ensuring that energy is affordable and easily accessible;
Creating a flexible energy system in Ontario;
Pursuing innovation within the energy sector;
Improving performance within the energy sector;
Ensuring continued commitment to energy conservation and increased energy efficiency;
Making an effort to reduce GHG emissions associated with energy use;
Supporting Metis and First Nation communities; and
Supporting regional energy solution and infrastructure needs.
Please note that the results of the recent Ontario election may affect the initiatives identified within the 2017 LTEP. Uncertainty in Ontario’s energy sector due to the results of the recent election.The results of the recent Ontario election have caused a great deal of uncertainty within the energy sector, as well as available funding and incentive programs. The information provided is accurate, to the greatest extent possible, as of the date of this report.
These changes have had an impact on how the Chippewas of Georgina Island unfolds it's energy vision and goals.
Community Engagement
To update the Chippewas of Georgina Islands Community Energy Plan, the community was engaged in several different ways. The community engagement activities conducted as part of our CEP Update are listed below:
Kickoff Meeting
Year-Round Residential Energy Survey
Earth Day Event
Managers Meeting
Seasonal Residence Energy Survey
Review of draft CEP update
It is important to note that a Year-Round Residential Energy Survey and a Seasonal Residence Energy Survey were conducted to obtain feedback on the Community Energy Plan and to collect information to update the baseline energy use study.
New Opportunitites
A number of new opportunities and potential actions have been identified through this CEP update. With the addition of new energy programs and ventures in Ontario, this provides new opportunities for the Chippewas of Georgina Island to further their energy vision and goals.
1) Apply for IESO Funding Programs
Georgina Island First Nation should apply for various Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) funding programs, including:
Community Energy Champion (CEC) – Georgina Island First Nation’s Energy Advisor was hired with assistance with funding through the IESO’s Education and Capacity Building (ECB) program, covering 18 months from September 2017 and ending in February of 2019. GIFN should apply to the IESO’s new Community Energy Champion (CEC) program for funding to support an energy staff resource within the community for an additional three (3) years.
Education and Capacity Building (ECB) – Georgina Island First Nation should re-apply to the IESO’s Education and Capacity Building (ECB) program for funding towards various energy education and training initiatives to be completed within the community.
Indigenous Energy Projects (IEP) – Georgina Island First Nation should apply to the IESO’s Indigenous Energy Projects (IEP) program for funding towards a feasibility study for potential renewable generation project within the community. Georgina Island First Nation should reapply to this program for funding towards the development of this project, once the feasibility study is complete (if applicable). This initiative will become a sub-task under the existing “Community Energy Advisor” opportunity.
2) Energy Advisor Training
The GIFN Community Energy Advisor (or another relevant GIFN staff member) should have an opportunity to increase their skills and capacity to increase their effectiveness in their role. Potential programs to do this are:
20/20 Catalyst – A program designed to support First Nation communities that are developing clean energy projects. The program consists of three (3), one (1) week workshops held at various locations throughout Canada over the course of several months. Applicants must be approved to participate in the program. The window for application to the next round of the program is September 2018 to March 2019.
Energy Manager Training – Energy manager training, through online courses, are provided by the British Columbia Institute of Technology. The program consists of six (6) courses. Applicants must be approved to participate in the program. Application windows for the courses vary, and the BCIT website should be regularly checked for deadline details.
Relay Curriculum Training – Training to qualify a GIFN staff resource to deliver licensed Relay educational material within the community and surrounding area. Funding for these initiatives is available through the IESO Education and Capacity Building (ECB) program. This initiative will become a sub-task under the existing “Community Energy Advisor” opportunity.
3) Justify Future Work Term
Although potential funding sources to continue the Energy Advisor position should be sought, a justification for continuing the Energy Advisor position without external funding should be developed. This justification should include the benefits of having a full-time Community Energy Advisor, including potential savings and revenue from conservation and generation initiatives. This initiative will become a sub-task under the existing “Community Energy Advisor” opportunity.
4) Investment in Renewable Energy
It is recommended that if Georgina Island First Nation considers future investment for economic development purposes, that investments related to clean energy and the renewable sector be given consideration. However, it is important that a risk analysis be completed that includes the impacts of the recent changes to the Green Energy Act. Investment opportunities should be considered on a case-by-case basis.
5) Future Community Energy Plan Updates
Our CEP is expected to undergo constant evolution throughout the implementation process. As such, it is recommended that a periodic review of our entire CEP occur. During this review, any changes to the plan can be updated within our CEP, including identification of new opportunities and revisions to the implementation plan. Funding is available to update our CEP through the IESO’s Indigenous Community Energy Plan (ICEP) program.
Other opportunities that have been identified through the Community Energy Plan Update include:
Energy Education Ideas and Programs
Energy Conservation
Reducing Transportation Energy
Energy Retrofits
Streetlight Retrofit Potential
Energy Generations
Develop Energy Independence Demonstration Project
Residential Solar PV to Education
Natural Gas Infrastructure
Smart Energy Community Scorecard
Long Term Energy Independence
Implementation Plan Update
The dynamic nature of this Community Energy Plan Update allows the Chippewas of Georgina Island to update on an ongoing basis. The implementation plan is intended to establish a realistic and obatinable course towards the communities energy vision and goals. The intent of the plan is to update and adjust through periodic reviews of the Community Energy Plan as a whole.
The Chippewas of Georgina Island began implementing its 2015 Community Energy Plan with the hiring of a full time Community Energy Advisor. The communities current Community Energy Advisor was hired for an 18 month work term, beginning in September of 2017. Funding for this work term was obtained through the Indpendent Electricity System Operator (IESO) Education and Capacity Building (ECB) program.
The current tasks for the Community Energy Advisor is as follows:
Community Outreach Strategy
Streetlight Converstion
Green Procurement Strategy
Energy Independence Demonstration Project
Having a staff resource within the community to implement the Community Energy Plan is imperative to its overall success. As such, it is assumed that GIFN will have a Community Energy Advisor throughout the entirety of the implementation process. In addition, GIFN has submitted applications for the IESO’s Community Energy Champion (CEC), Education and Capacity Building (ECB), and Indigenous Energy Projects (IEP) programs for funding towards various initiatives described within the updated Community Energy Plan.
Actions Plan, Inventory and Implementation Table
An overall list of actions have been developed as part of the Implementation Plan, which us called the Actions Inventory. The Actions Inventory includes a brief overview of details related to each of the actions, as well as the current status of various initiatives, and is meant to work hand-in-hand with the Implementation Table.
Implementation Table
The Implementation Table provides a high level schedule and overview of the various tasks that need to be completed as part of the overall Implementation Plan. The Implementation Table is meant to guide the actions needed to help the Chippewas of Georgina Island reach their energy vision and goals to help improve the health and wellness of its members.
An Annual Action Plan will allow the Chippewas of Georgina Island to update their annual implementation actions table and inventory. This will help the community to be better planned for any changes or updates to energy programming or direction.
During the annual action plan process, long-term scheduling will be updated and refined, and costs determined to the best extent possible. This is particularly important for identification of and application to funding opportunities.
This energy plan update has been created to help the Chippewas of Georgina Island reach their communities energy vision and goals. Utilizing this plan, the community is in a much better position to help improve their energy efficiency which will improve overall community wellness. The dynamic nature of this plan will allow the community to make changes to their energy needs without compromising their vision or goals.
The Chippewas of Georgina Island are on the path to energy independence which will allow the community to prosper and flourish without putting their environment, health and wellness at risk. CIPS would like to thank the Chippewas of Georgina Island for allowing us to post this great project update.
To find out how Cambium Indigenous Professional Services can help with your communnities energy needs, please contact Shayne Hill, Manager of Energy and Infrastructure at 705-657-1126 or by email at: spirit@indigenousaware.com