Wikwemikong Development Commission
Community Energy Plan Update
The Wikwemikong Development Commission has requested an update to their existing Community Energy Plan which was completed in 2017.
The updated Community Energy Plan (CEP) will build upon the groundwork established by the original CEP by continuing to support the principles of energy conservation, energy sovereignty, energy sustainability, and economic development.
In addition, a critical component of the CEP update will be to evaluate the benefits of investments already made by the community within the renewable sector (primarily solar PV and biomass) and explore new opportunities for the future.
This is one of the main drivers of the Community Energy Plan update. The development of tools for the community to evaluate and measure the benefits of these investments is also desired by the community.
The updated community energy plan will focus on the following criteria:
Education and conservation awareness
Increasing electrical efficiencies
Identification of new renewable energy opportunities
Assessing and evaluating existing energy investments within the community, including:
LED Lighting Installation Project;
11 - 10 kw microfit Installations;
solar microgrid installation, approximately 300 kw; and
HVAC retrofit installations at 2 locations.
Assessing, evaluating and projection of Greenhouse Gas Reductions and other outcomes for Bioheat Conversion Program, including:
100 Pellet Stoves (fuel oil offsets);
8 Community Buildings Fuel to Pellet Conversion;
40 Residential Furnace Fuel to pellet appliance conversions;
2 residential propane boiler to pellet boiler conversions;
2 combination furnaces; and Modern woodstove exchange program.
Completing an inventory of energy audits completed for community building and homes, as well as the development of a strategy to move forward with regards to building energy efficiency.
Identification of supply chain opportunities for capacity development and business development.
Identification of constraints, growth opportunities, and requirements with relation to community infrastructure.
Other objectives that align with the community energy plan principles, including (but not limited to):
A better return on investment (ROI);
Employment opportunities;
Revenue generation to support increased growth in economic development;
Partnership Development;
Climate change objectives;
Footprint reduction;
Investment through private, public, or government sources;
Municipal and Band Council Support; and
Community Support.
All project deliverables will identify an updated strategy to consider energy sustainability, climate change and energy security. The principles of the CEP update will also align with community priorities and values, and encompass WDC’s commitment to land stewardship, safety, and increased capacity building.
The Approach
Our experience working with First Nation communities allows us to identify sensible energy solutions that fit the unique needs of our clientele. Furthermore, our expertise will assist us in exploring new opportunities and assessing the return on investment of existing energy related projects.
We also understand the importance of effective communication and engagement in developing customized energy plans that not only meet the needs at the community level, but also the individual needs of members within those communities as well.
ZON will be a subcontractor of CIPS. Together, CIPS and ZON will form the Project Team. CIPS has extensive experience providing technical support for the development of First Nations Community Energy Plans (CEPs), as well as conducting meaningful and effective community engagement with respect to energy planning in First Nation communities.
This, combined with the wealth of technical expertise with relation to solar PV, GHG modelling, and biomass brought to the project by ZON, makes us an excellent candidate to provide services for this project.
Proposed Scope of Work
The proposed scope of work will occur over a 6-month period and will include:
Task 1: Assessment of 2017 CEP (Including Gap Analysis)
The objective of this step is to develop a detailed understanding of the existing WDC CEP (2017). CIPS will conduct a detailed assessment of the current Community Energy Plan which will help identify the Wikwemikong Development Commissions (WDC) overall energy goals and priorities (including the information and motivations that led to the identification of energy needs).
Task 2: Energy Audit Inventory and Recommendations
CIPS will develop an inventory of all residential and commercial energy audits conducted by the Wikwemikong Development Commission (WDC) to date.
The results of the inventory will be used to develop a detailed energy audit summary report that will be incorporated into the identification of new energy opportunities and implementation plan of the Community Energy Plan update.
Task 3: Evaluation of Key Investments
Working with ZON, key investments will be evaluated including (but not limited to) solar PV generation data, biomass feedback records, utility bills/statements, and drawings.
Task 4: Update Energy Baseline and Future Projections
The Project Team will review the energy baseline and energy projection information available from the 2017 CEP document and any gaps in the data will be identified.
The goal is to use the newly updated energy audit for a 10-year forecast of the community’s future energy needs. The forecast will be based upon a business as usual (BAU) scenario, assuming no significant changes in terms of energy conservation or energy generation.
Task 5: Update Community Energy Plan
This task encompasses all activities necessary to update and revise the Wikwemikong Development Commissions Community Energy Plan document.
Task 6: Capacity Development Tools and Resources
This task will identify relevant training and capacity building activities, particularly for the Community Energy Champion, will be an integral part of the Community Energy Plan update.
Task 7: In-Person Community Engagement
Community engagement is a critical component to any Community Energy Plan update. It allows for the findings of the CEP to be expressed, and opens the floor for feedback that can be incorporated into the final plan.
As per the Wikwemikong Development Commissions request, CIPS is proposing in-person engagement to occur at two (2) separate pre-planned WDC events. Engagement would include a combination of community presentations and/or the setup of an energy booth (open house format).
CIPS included two separate in-person engagement activities within the community.
Project Timeframe and Completion
1: Assessment of 2017 CEP (Includes Gap Analysis)
Time: Month 1
2: Energy Audit Inventory and Recommendations
Time: Month 3
3: Evaluation of Key Investments
Time: Month 5
4: Update Energy Baseline and Future Projections
Time: Month 5
5: Update Community Energy Plan
Time: Month 8
6: Capacity Development Tools and Resources
Time: Month 4
7: Community Engagement
Time: Month 8
Project Status