Today, we are joined by Kerry Ann Charles.
Kerry Ann is the Environment Partnership Coordinator for Cambium Indigenous Professional Services and she is going to explain what the First Nations Climate Change Adaptation Planning is and why it is important (transcription for the video is below).
---Transcription of video ---
(Ojibwe) Aanii, boozoo. Kerry Ann Charles nindizhinikaaz Georgina Island nindoonjibaa Maa'iingan nindoodem Anishnaabe kwe ndaw
(English) Hello, welcome. My name is Kerry Ann (Charles) and I am from the Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation and I am wolf clan (Ojibwe Woman). I am the Partnership
Coordinator for Cambium Indigenous Professional Services (also known as CIPS).
(Question) Thank you for joining us today Kerry Ann. I want to ask you a question about First Nation Climate Adaptation Planning. What is it?
(Answer) That is a big question. (First Nation) climate change adaptation planning is really for a First Nations community or any community. It can be regionally or it can be nationally
and it looks at the effects of climate change and being able to start to identify what the vulnerabilities are within a community (even as an individual).
It also looks at things that need to be put in place so that (a community) can adapt and mitigate those changes that are going to occur.
(Question) Why is it important and how does a First Nation get started?
(Answer) It is very important, especially today given the climate variability (which is climate change). Our climate is changing and understanding what those (climate) changes are and being able to prepare for those risks. For example, more precipitation, stronger winds and drought (to name a few). We need to be able to figure out and forecast what these changes are (within our climate) and how they are going to affect us.
A community can start to do that by asking (members) and paying close attention to what they are saying and how it has affected them (in all aspects of the community). It could be changes in the environment such as wetlands that dried up (for example, that used to be there). It could be changes to some of the species (in the community) including the different types of trees or different kind of foreign fauna (even animals within a community).
---Transcription ends---
To find out more on how CIPS can help your community with its climate change planning needs, contact us today at (705) 657-1126 or by email at: spirit@indigenousaware.com To book an appointment with our CEO directly for a 15 minute consultation, please see this page here. Related articles:
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