By Kassie McKeown, CIPS Technical Advisor, Indigenous Projects

A great species for bank stabilization are willow trees.
Willow trees are indicative of a wet ground because the roots will seek out water (in the ground). Here we have a willow tree that's along the shoreline which means that the bank (on the shoreline) is nice and stable. It (the bank) is being held together with the roots (from the willow tree).
Also, the cover from the tree (branch overhang) provides cover and shade for species that need cooler water to survive.
Something to be careful of when speaking about willow trees and (the trees) strong roots that are always seeking out water is that you don't want to plant willow trees near foundations such as house foundations and septic beds. The roots are so strong that they can potentially ruin those foundations.
Although they can provide a great way to stabilize the bank you have to be careful how close you put willow trees to things that you don't want to be ruined by the trees roots.

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