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How To Monitor

Water Fowl Populations

Hand holding feather_forefinger.jpg

If you're interested in how your waterfowl population is doing in your First Nation wetlands or First Nations Territory, there's different tips and tactics in how you can monitor your recruitment and your hatch-lings.

It can as simple as using your binoculars, going in daily and keeping a survey to document daily from a day to day basis and tracking that over time. This will allow you to see what kind of patterns you have in your area. Over time you can plug in that data and see how things are doing over a longer period of time.

What is waterfowl?


Waterfowl are birds that inhabit the wetlands (around the world) such as ducks, geese and swans. These "swimming" birds are generally well suited for the water with most having webbed feet and the ability to "water proof" their feathers using a waxy, water proof oil from their preen glands.


Waterfowl will eat a variety of foods depending on species and age. The typical diet may consist of of small invertebrates, minnows, roots, stems and other small aquatic life forms.


The life expectancy of ducks are usually between 7 to 10 years while Geese can live up to 20 years.


Duck standing up in the water




Female duck pruning her feathers


Female duck and her ducklings


Canada geese by the water


Canada geese swimming the water

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