Adapting to Climate Change Interview

Kerry Ann Charles as Podcast Guest

Kerry-Ann Charles
Environment Partnership Co-ordinator
Anishinaabe KWE/Newfoundlander from Georgina Island First Nation
Business and Human Resource Studies
Spirit Statement
My spirit comes from the generations before me. Growing up, I have had the privilege of being able to witness how hard work, perseverance, and most of all kindness assists you in achieving anything that you set your mind to. I have been taught that it is OK to be different, always put your best foot forward, and be honest with yourself; that failure is okay as long as you learn from it, and that every story has two sides that must be heard in order to make your own, best conclusions.
Having the privilege of growing up on and off-reserve, and having strong influences from both my mom (of Newfoundland decent) and my dad’s (Anishnaabe) side of the family, I have gained various perspectives which have assisted me throughout my adult life. I also give credit to the Georgina Island First Nation Community (my home community) for my successes as they have given me the support, encouragement, and love needed to take chances and grow into my career at CIPS.
I have always been very connected to the outdoors, loved learning new things, meeting new people, and I am pretty confident about who I am as a person. I am always seeking the opportunity to learn more about my Anishnaabe roots. To be able to have the opportunity to do all of this while connecting people to each other and the environment is a blessing. To create opportunities for myself to learn about my culture, traditions, and people, and be able to do my part to ensure a better future for everyone, is a feeling that I struggle to describe. To date, the best I have come up with is the words Mno Bimaadizwin. It translates to “living the good life.”
Corporate Highlights
Relevant Experience = 20 Years
-- Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation Council Member --
-- International Guest Speaker, Indigenous Climate change Perspectives --
-- TD Friends of the Environment Review Board --
Contact Kerry-Ann Charles

Articles & Videos by Kerry-Ann
1) The following webinar was hosted by the Rescue Lake Simcoe Coalition (RLSC). Three climate change experts joined RLSC Executive Director Claire Malcolmson to discuss mitigation measures on how to lessen the impacts of climate change to Lake
Kerry-Ann Charles (Environment Partnership Coordinator for Cambium Indigenous Professional Services) provides insight into the effects climate change will have on First Nations communities, specifically Georgina Island and discusses opportunities for climate change adaptation planning in Lake Simcoe. (Kerry-Ann's session starts at 1:00:00. Click here to view the web page for a complete discussion and transcription.Simcoe.
​2) An Indigenous Lens on Climate Change Adaptation Planning.
Climate change has and will continue to have growing public health implications for the population of Ontario. Public health authorities have a duty to respond and are progressively working to address the health impacts of climate change. The following report will examine Indigenous perspectives (on climate change) and the importance of including these perspectives into climate-adaptation and strategies to assist public health authorities in doing so.
Click here to view the report "An Indigenous Lens on Climate Change Adaptation Planning"
​3) Climate-Health Adaptation Planning: Two Approaches, One Shared Learning Journey.
For many, land means property, the water, the air, and all that live within these ecosystems. For Indigenous peoples, land means more than property and even ecosystems – it encompasses traditions, culture, relationships, social systems, spirituality, values, responsibility and Law.
The following video and report examine Indigenous perspectives on climate change and how these perspectives can be used to help improve climate change-adaptation models.
​4) What Does Sweetgrass Look Like?
Today, I am going to show you what sweetgrass looks like and how to identify it. Sweetgrass can be found just about anywhere including meadows, riverbanks, forests, marshes, bogs and in open ground. With it's sweet aroma, sweetgrass can be identified by smell and colour. Click the link below to find out more.
​5) Beausoleil First Nation’s Climate Monitoring Project
This is a video recording on the work that I am doing with the Beausoleil First Nation called "Agaaming - Across the Bay Beausoleil First Nation Wind and Water Monitoring Project. I have been working with the Beausoleil community on the project since 2015. This original idea for this project was based on a climate adaptation framework using Traditional Ecological Knowledge (which is the foundation for this particular adaptation planning model). This program "morphed" into a more focused initiative that over time became a wind and water monitoring program (for the Beausoliel First Nation Community).
See the video recording here
​6) How To Make Hummingbird Food
In this article, I am going to show you how to make hummingbird food. These lovely, little birds love nectar and I am going to show you how to make a simple, yet safe food that simulates nectar. You can make this simple recipe from home using a few ingredients. I am also going to explain why you should avoid adding this one thing to your recipe (which most people do) that is actually harmful to hummingbirds.
​7) Why is Indigenous Awareness Training Important?
According to the Oxford Dictionary "awareness is the state of being conscious of something. More specifically, it is the ability to directly know and perceive, to feel, or to be cognizant of events". Indigenous Awareness is to learn and understand the history and relationship Canada has with Indigenous Peoples. In this video I am going to briefly explain why Indigenous Awareness Training is important and who can benefit the most (from the training). Click the link below to watch my video.
Why is Indigenous Awareness Training Important
8) Meeting with these folks in Egypt and they we are hoping to work together in the near future.
ADRA at COP27, with Kerry-Ann Charles of Cambium Indigenous Professional Services. ADRA supports indigenous people’s inclusion in climate action.
9) Commission for Environmental Cooperation.
From #COP27: Kerry-Ann Charles, Environment Partnership Coordinator at CIPS, Cambium Indigenous Professional Services (CIPS)  “Honored and grateful to be a partner with the CEC to ensure both Indigenous Communities, as well as Peoples, are being given space and support to have our voices meaningfully incorporated and leading Climate Action” - Kerry-Ann Charles
10) Latornell 2022 Re-imagining Conservation Webinar Series - November 9, 2022 Webinar
The webinar will highlight two Indigenous-led projects to recreate natural spaces along major waterways (the St. Lawrence River and the St. Clair River) that have been impacted by historical and ongoing colonial development. Moderated by CIPS Environment Partnership Coordinator, Kerry Ann Charles
Click here for webinar
11) IAGLR 2023 Adapting to Climate Change
Key concepts fundamental for adapting to climate change: An Anishnabe Kwe perspective
Click here for webinar
12) Canada, Mexico and the United States Working Together on Climate Adaptation Solutions for North America
The overarching objective of this event is to provide input for delegates, representatives of Indigenous communities, and other countries to design and implement regional, collaborative, science-based mitigation and adaptation projects. The CEC Council, the CEC Executive Director and an Indigenous Community leader will present CEC’s extensive collaborative work and numerous successes, including at the local level.​