Cambium Indigenous Professional Services
Podcasts & Video
At Cambium Indigenous Professional Services we love to share our knowledge and experience. When we're not hard at work for our clients we love to join our partners for podcasts and interviews. This is what makes CIPS unique, we love what we do and we're always willing to go that extra mile to help whether it is for a partner podcast or a national video interview. To hear each podcast (or video) just hit the play button.
1) Indigenous Perspectives on Adapting to Climate Change: Interview with Kerry-Ann Charles-Norris
2) Webinar Series with Canadian Environment Law Association and Cambium Indigenous Professional Services. Click here to review the CIPS Indigenous Engagement Guide.
Webinar #1: How To Work With Indigenous Peoples
Webinar #2: Achieving Effective and Meaningful Engagement with Indigenous Communities. Click here to review the CIPS guide on how to achieve effective and meaningful engagement with Indigenous Communities.
Webinar #3: Treaties 101. Click here to review CIPS guide on understanding Indigenous Treaties in Ontario.
Webinar #4: Municipal and Indigenous Relationships - Striving for Success and Mutual Understandings
3) From Crisis to Crisis: Applying Covid-19 Learnings to Climate Action Sponsor of this session: Mennon
4) Our Lands: Interviews with some of the participants of the "Our Lands Conference" held at Casino Rama on January 24-25 2018
5) The following webinar was hosted by the Rescue Lake Simcoe Coalition (RLSC). Three climate change experts joined RLSC Executive Director Claire Malcolmson to discuss mitigation measures on how to lessen the impacts of climate change to Lake Simcoe.
Kerry-Ann Charles (Environment Partnership Coordinator for Cambium Indigenous Professional Services) provides insight into the effects climate change will have on First Nations communities, specifically Georgina Island and discusses opportunities for climate change adaptation planning in Lake Simcoe. (Kerry-Ann's session starts at 1:00:00. Click here to view the web page for a complete discussion and transcription.
​6) Climate-Health Adaptation Planning: Two Approaches, One Shared Learning Journey.
For many, land means property, the water, the air, and all that live within these ecosystems. For Indigenous
peoples, land means more than property and even ecosystems – it encompasses traditions, culture,
relationships, social systems, spirituality, values, responsibility and Law.
The following video and report examine Indigenous perspectives on climate change and how these perspectives
can be used to help improve climate change-adaptation models.
​7) Floodplain Project Taps Indigenous Knowledge, Drawing International Eyes
A new floodplain mapping project that draws on Indigenous knowledge is drawing attention from across
Canada and around the world to a London-area First Nation. Webinar 1 in this series.
Click here to view the article
​8) Hydrology & Flow: Community Perspectives Oneida Nation of the Thames
Join Chippewas of the Thames FN (COTTFN), Cambium Indigenous Professional Services, Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority, Conservation Ontario, Canadian Environmental Law Association and Green Communities Canada for a 5-part webinar series on an Indigenous-Led Flood Plain Mapping Project.
Each session will summarize and explore the approaches and community-engagement processes employed through the COTTFN Flood Plain Mapping project, completed over the last year. This is a great opportunity for learning for Indigenous community members, and environmental professionals. Webinar 2 in this series.
Click here to view the slide show
​9) Measuring Hydraulics, and Spiritual Approaches to flood Protection
This session focuses on the hydraulics and how high flows can travel through and potentially flood a community. Community Members speak on histories including Indigenous Knowledge and how it has been used in the past to avoid flooding in the Community as well as experiences in being able to participate in this project.
Views from Community Members are also shared in regard to other considerations that should be included while undertaking the floodplain analysis and policy development. Webinar 3 in this series.
Click here to view the slide show
​10) Best Practices for Floodplain Mapping
This session focuses on the development of floodplain mapping using the COTTFN project as an example. Protocols and the importance of understanding and following them will be touched on. It will include an overview of some policies and legislation that can be harnessed to assist in upholding rights and responsibilities to Mother Earth along with some examples of such. Webinar 4 in this series.
Click here to view the slide show
​10) Risk Assessment and Implementing Flood Plain Management
Webinar 5 in this series.
Click here to view the slide show
​11) Indigenous Inclusion in BGIS Energy and Sustainability Initiatives
In this presentation CIPS CEO, Mike Jacobs explores Indigenous approaches to Sustainability. CIPS, an Indigenous-owned company, provided an overview of their services and examples of sustainability projects they have delivered.
Part 1: The presentation
Part 2: Q and A
​12) Sustainable Waterfront Planning Through Reconciliation
In this presentation, we will examine how Indigenous perspectives and relations with water can have a positive impact on waterfront development, planning and sustainability.
13) Canada, Mexico and the United States Working Together on Climate Adaptation Solutions for North America
​The overarching objective of this event is to provide input for delegates, representatives of Indigenous communities, and other countries to design and implement regional, collaborative, science-based mitigation and adaptation projects. The CEC Council, the CEC Executive Director and an Indigenous Community leader will present CEC’s extensive collaborative work and numerous successes, including at the local level.