A business plan is more than just a document, it's a blueprint will allow you and your community to take the necessary steps to making your economic vision a reality.
A business plan is meant to help identify the necessary steps you need to take in order to achieve your bottom line goal thereby improving the wellness for you and your family (or for your community members).
A well prepared business plan will improve your chance for success.
It is necessary to justify the business proposal, support business decisions and influence support from potential lenders or investors.
At CIPS we know how to develop business plans. We have over 3 decades of business planning experience at the community and business level. We will work with you and your business (or community) to develop a business plan that not only reflects your vision but outlines the necessary steps to making your vision a reality.
Our team has raised over $15 Million for First Nation based economic development projects. From sole proprietors to Community Development Corporations, from craft shops to oxygen bars, our team has prepared successful business plan documents.
At CIPS, we are all Indigenous Professionals who understand Indigenous economic development and business. We have the business experience and business knowledge. We will help you prepare a business plan that not only helps you succeed but gets the attention of perspective funders and lenders.

Welcome to CIPS
To learn more, click on 'CIPS Team' to meet one of our advisors.
- Sample Business Plans -
Small Business Plan Example- Sporting Goods